fob's notebook

Process Injection on Linux - Injecting into Processes

This article is part 2 of a 5 parts series on process injection on Linux.

In the first article of this series, I presented a few key concepts required to understand process injection and finished by a definition of the technique. In this article, I want to introduce the reader to process injection through a hands-on approach. Whether we're thinking about red teamers or blue teamers, I believe this approach will encourage readers to ask themselves questions (which I'll try to answer here) and is best suited for them to become autonomous. Do note, however, that, from this part of the series onward, the content is highly technical in nature1. If some things in the 101 section of part 1 were new to some readers, I encourage them to do some research and experiments when they have questions. I'm assuming an advanced technical expertise.

In this part, the reader should put an attacker hat on as I detail process injection through a step-by-step process. I'll begin by presenting an elementary injection technique and improve it gradually. Following that, a more structured definition of process injection will be introduced and I'll use this structure to explore injection techniques further. Also, to keep the content below relatively digestable, I'll omit some injection variants and will present them in part 4.

All techniques presented in this article have proof of concepts (PoCs) available at

The first injection

Let's go back to the process injection definition I gave in part 1:

Process injection is a post-exploitation technique [...]. It is performed by injecting malicious code into a host process's address space and executing it.

This definition implicitly states that the attacker has an arbitrary code execution capability. In practice, this capability could have been acquired, for example, by exploiting a vulnerability such as a buffer overflow or a command injection, or through a compromised account. Once this capability is acquired, the technique is to inject malicious code into a process's address space. Do note that the usual interpretation is that other processes are targeted, but that need not to strictly be the case. In the case of a buffer overflow, for example, it might be easier to inject a small stager into the vulnerable process and then move on to load a bigger agent from there. In any case, once arbitrary code execution has been acquired, a piece of code is injected into a host process and executed.

In this section, I'll start by demonstrating a simple injection technique and gradually improve it until it matches better the above definition. In the next sections, I'll explain in greater details what's actually going on.

All Hail ptrace

The open source nature of the Linux kernel makes it pretty easy to research facilities that can be leveraged for injection. Quite unsurprisingly, not many of the system calls allow manipulating another process's address space; UNIXes are well-known to have compact, but powerful system calls. For this research, I started by looking at the system calls that take a process identifier (pid) as one of their arguments and read their manual pages. Wanting to get my hands dirty, I followed with developing a proof of concept before looking for existing documentation on them.

ptrace is the most well-known system call for process injection. This powerful facility allows for reading and writing a process's address space and CPU registers (among other things). While it is usually used for debugging (e.g. gdb and strace) or instrumentation (e.g. valgrind and RASPs), it is obviously powerful enough to enable malicious activities. This particular injection technique is documented on the ATT&CK framework and given the identifier T1055.008.

Looking at ptrace's manpage, we can see that it is designed to take an operation/request, a target process identifier, an address and a data pointer (a buffer) as its arguments.

long ptrace(enum __ptrace_request request, pid_t pid, void *addr, void *data);

Also, the calling process first needs to "attach" to the target process to establish what's called a tracer-tracee relationship; the tracer being the calling process. PTRACE_ATTACH seems well indicated; it attaches to the target process and stops/suspends it for the next requests. PTRACE_DETACH, aptly named, does the opposite and detaches from the tracee before resuming it. Next, PTRACE_GETREGS and PTRACE_POKETEXT are interesting. They allow the tracer to get the general-purpose registers' value of the suspended tracee and write to the tracee's memory space, respectively. Quite quickly, an injection technique can be built that looks like the following:

/* Attach to and pause the target process. */

/* Read the process's RIP register (pointing to an executable page). */
ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, $TARGET_PID, 0, &regs);

/* Overwrite the next opcodes with our shellcode. */

/* Let the process resume. */

Looks simple right? A PoC built on this design is available at You'll notice that I also inserted a waitpid syscall (system call) after PTRACE_ATTACH. That syscall waits for the given process (identified by its pid) to be stopped. This step is necessary as the tracee might actually run for a little while after PTRACE_ATTACH returned. Until the process is fully attached to, ptrace will simply refuse to execute other requests.

Basic process injection using ptrace

The careful reader will have noted a couple of things. First, the PoC trashes the target process's execution; the process simply crashes when the shellcode ends. By changing the execution flow the way the PoC did, the shellcode had no ability to resume the process. In reality, however, that does not matter much because the second issue is that, by writing the injected code in the program's execution path, it overwrites the program's code. Even if the shellcode was able to resume execution, the process will go back to a weird unexpected state and end up misbehaving or crashing. Finally, if the injected code doesn't fit in the memory area up to the page's end (assuming the next page isn't mapped), ptrace will not be able to fully write the code to inject; leaving us with a truncated shellcode.

While it's not elegant, technically, a process injection was performed: "Process injection [...] is performed by injecting [...] code into a host process's address space and executing it".

Injection without crashing

Let's take care of the above issues and rewrite the injection. First, we'll need a way for the shellcode to resume the host process as if nothing happened; we don't want it to terminate. Second, we'll need to write the code to a memory area that shouldn't be used by the host process; we don't want it misbehaving. Finally, we'll need to ensure that, wherever we write to, we'll have enough space to write the full code; whatever its size is.

To solve the latter two (2) issues, we'll simply invoke mmap from within the target process and allocate a new memory area large enough for the shellcode. However, there appears to be a chicken and egg problem: we need to invoke mmap from within the process before injecting the shellcode. While technically true, this statement doesn't take into account that a call to mmap is actually just a syscall instruction with a bunch of register values prepared. In other words, we'll perform two (2) injections: a small one for syscall (2 bytes) and a larger one right after for the shellcode. We'll first setup the registers and write syscall's opcode at rip's value before letting the process execute for one (1) instruction (mmap). Once this is done, we'll read rax value, and restore the original opcodes and register values. This will yield the address of a newly-allocated memory block to write the shellcode to.

To do this, we'll use three (3) new ptrace commands: PTRACE_SETREGS PTRACE_PEEKTEXT and PTRACE_SINGLESTEP. PTRACE_SETREGS, as its name implies, allows the tracer to set/change the general-purpose registers' of the tracee, PTRACE_PEEKTEXT allows it to read the memory space of the tracee, while PTRACE_SINGLESTEP allows it to run the tracee for a single (1) instruction.

Combined together, the following sequence will be used, at a high level:

/* Grab registers. */
ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, pid, 0, &regs);
/* Backup original opcodes. */
origcode = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, pid, 0, 0);

/* Set registers for mmap call. */
ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS, pid, 0, &regs);
/* Replace the next opcodes with the "syscall" (0f 05) instruction. */
ptrace(PTRACE_POKETEXT, pid,, 0x050f);
/* Execute a single instruction ("syscall" -> "mmap"). */
ptrace(PTRACE_SINGLESTEP, pid, 0, 0);

/* Get the return value of mmap; the allocated memory. */
ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, pid, 0, &regs);

/* Restore the original state. */
ptrace(PTRACE_POKETEXT, pid,, origcode);
ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS, pid, 0, &regs);

Finally, to allow the shellcode to resume the process, we'll write rip's value in front of the shellcode, in the allocated memory area. This will allow the shellcode to grab and jmp to it when it's done. Obviously, the shellcode will have to ensure that all registers' value are preserved.

/* Write the original rip value at head of the memory area. */
ptrace(PTRACE_POKETEXT, pid, allocated_mem,;
	[return address]
	jmp     entry
	# Jump back to the address stored before _start
	jmp     [rip-16]
	# backup registers

	call    main

	# restore registers
	jmp     jmpret

	# payload


Just like the previous example, there's a bit more going on for a reliable PoC, but the updated code is available at:

Basic process injection using ptrace and mmap

We can now execute code inside a target process at will and have the process running flawlessly.

Persistent code injection

The last improvement looks much better, but it's relatively useless to inject code into another process if it's just going to perform some actions and exit; we could have executed the injected code directly to the same effect. As the final step, we'll use a simple mechanism to maintain both the target process's and the injection shellcode's execution active: child processes.

On Linux, to create a process, one calls the fork syscall. Upon return, the caller checks the return value to see whether it's in the parent or child context. Thus, for this technique, it's simply a matter of checking the return value and execute the rest of the shellcode (the child process) or return (the caller, the parent process).

	# Start the child process
	mov	rax, 57		# sys_fork

	# Keep going or return
	cmp     rax, 0
	je      child

	# actual payload

The updated code is available at

Process injection using ptrace, mmap and fork

What we've seen so far

The above experiment allows us to start thinking about the different elements of an injection. First, the facilities available to write to a process's memory. We used ptrace, but we'll want to have as many techniques as possible in our toolset to (1) have the best coverage for the many different security products out there and (2) check how forensics team approach different techniques. Second, as we saw, the injected code's destination can have non-desirable effects on the process's stability. As such, we'll want to consider all possible places where our code could be written. As I'll demonstrate in part 3, this will also impact the injection's footprint; as some techniques are easier to detect than others. Third, we'll consider the way our injection technique and shellcode works together to make the injection non-disruptive (read: allow the host process to be resumed). Above, we wrote in front of the shellcode, but the more techniques the better. Fourth, threads were used to maintain execution alongside the host, but what other facilities are there that can be leveraged for this? Fifth, and finally, shellcode is cool, but when developing complex programs such as a C2 agent for our injection payloads, it's much nicer to use a higher-level language. I'll also look at different ways to write payloads.

Since there's a lot of ground to cover, from now on, I'll also be developing injection PoCs in Python.

Memory destinations

There are a few factors to consider when selecting where the injected code will reside. As we saw above, first, stability might be adversely affected if code is overwritten. Also, the injected code's size might be an issue if it's large and the target process does not have much memory allocated. With these factors in mind, this section presents various destinations for injected code.

Existing code regions

As we noted above, while overwriting existing code might affect the host process's stability, it is absolutely a valid destination. In practice, we might even consciously decide that the program's stability is irrelevant as we'll just take over the process and simply use it as a disguise. The injection technique known as process hollowing, for example, starts a process, attaches to it before it starts, replaces its program with injected code and lets it run. If we look at reports that uncovered usage of process hollowing, it's undoubtedly a rudimentary, but functional technique.

Also, if we know the targeted program well enough, we could simply write to code regions that are unused (or rarely used). For example, we could overwrite a region of code that handles argument parsing, only used when the program starts, without affecting stability when our injection has been performed. A maybe more obvious region would be, e.g., the C library. Effectively, when used by a program, the whole library gets loaded in memory even though some/most parts of it are never used.

Injection can overwrite parts or all the host process's programs. Such injection may affect a process's stability, depending on whether the overwritten code is going to be part of the process's execution path.

An example of process hollowing is available at and an example injection targeting unused code regions is available at

Process hollowing using ptrace


Overwriting unused code as a destination

Allocating memory

The technique I used to preserve the host process's program integrity involved injecting and executing a small call to mmap before injecting a bigger piece of shellcode in the newly-allocated memory area. This two (2) steps technique adds a bit of complexity, but is much more powerful as it supports injecting bigger (read: more useful) payloads.

Rarely talked about syscalls that are able to allocate memory are brk and sbrk. They enable a process to modifying the location of the program break; the end of the process's data segment. In other terms, it enables a process to resize its .data section. Simply, brk does it by taking an address and sbrk does it in increments. Effectively, instead of allocating memory on the heap, memory is allocated right next to the .data section.

Injection can allocate new memory into a target process's address space in order to inject bigger pieces of codes and preserve the target's program.

Code caves

There's another destination we didn't look at yet: code caves. Essentially, while a program's sections are copied to different memory pages, each section rarely use the whole page(s). As such, there is usually a gap between what's used by the program and the end of the page(s). This unused area, called a code cave, is another location where shellcode can be written to. In the screenshot below, notice how much memory is used by the .text section and that it's not a multiple of 4096 (a page) bytes.

Program sections of /bin/ls
Program sections of /bin/ls

You can either make your code cave injection adaptative or targeted. An adaptative injection loader first iterates over the running processes, inspects their structures for a suitable (e.g. big enough, already marked executable, etc.) code cave before writing to it. When an injection is targeted, the code caves of the target program are already known and its simply a matter of locating a process executing that particular program.

Injection can target code caves, free memory regions in already-allocated pages.

A code cave injection PoC is available at

Using a code cave as the destination

A word about PIEs and ASLR

Position-Independent Executables (PIEs) allow binaries to be loaded at arbitrary memory addresses; instead of using hard-coded addresses. This feature originates from shared libraries, but can be applied to executables too; and is actually required for Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) to be supported. Anyways, nowadays, Linux distributions ship most programs as PIEs and enable ASLR by default. As such, code cave injection on modern systems usually require reading the memory mapping (available at /proc/<pid>/maps) of the target process to locate the position of the code cave in a process's memory. This contrasts with non-PIE processes that are always loaded at the same address.

For example, on Debian-based systems, the Python interpreter is not (always) compiled as a PIE23 while on Arch, it is.

Targeting the code caves of PIEs when ASLR is activated requires knowledge of the process's address space: also known as "breaking ASLR".

A word about executable pages

I mentioned, in part 1, the memory pages have protection flags. If a process tries to execute code in a non-executable memory page, a memory access violation error occurs. It's important to know that, whatever the page, its protection flags can be changed at any time by using mprotect(2). For example, if one wrote the injected code inside a rw code cave, they would have to invoke mprotect to add the x flag before being able to execute it. If one's allocating memory with mmap, one can simply add the PROT_EXEC flag in its 3rd argument (flags).

Maintaining execution

While we can simply trash the host process and use it as a disguise, as we saw in the first section of this post, being able to maintain execution alongside the host process is much more interesting. This section presents different facilities that can be leveraged to maintain execution inside a host.

Parallel execution using child processes

Using child processes, as we saw earlier, is a simple and effective way to maintain execution. One simple calls fork and checks the return value. Processes are also resilient since they have their own execution context; separated from the parent. As such, if the parent dies, its children, under normal conditions, keep running.

See for a PoC using fork.

	# Setup a child process
	mov	rax, 57		# sys_fork

	cmp	rax, 0
	je	child


This technique requires the capability to run arbitrary code inside the target process as the fork sycall must be called from the host process's execution context.

Parallel execution using threads

A technique closely related to child processes are threads. Similarly to child processes, the injected code will run alongside the host process, but, contrarily to child processes, they'll be terminated as soon as their host process dies. This technique is less resilient to short-lived and buggy injected processes, but have the benefit of being less prone to detection. Effectively, threads require a deeper inspection of a system to be detected. They won't, for example, be listed in the common ps auxf output.

To use threads, the clone syscall is available. This syscall is quite complex so I'll only cover what's relevant to the task. First, to create a thread, the caller must provide the memory area that will be used by the thread as a stack area so one can be setup using mmap, but one could also use a code cave for this purpose. A call to clone may look like the following:


The flag means the following:

CLONE_VM : The thread will share its memory space with the caller/parent.

CLONE_THREAD : We want to spawn a thread.

CLONE_SIGHAND : The thread will share the caller/parent's signal handlers.

An injection payload leveraging threads is available at Note that it is a simple variant of 03-ptrace-mmap-fork; where the call to fork was replaced with one to clone (plus mmap).

	# Setup a stack for the thread.
	mov	rax, 9		# sys_mmap
	mov	rdi, 0		# base address (0=anywhere)
	mov	rsi, 0x2000	# len (2 pages)
	mov	rdx, 3		# PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE
	mov	r10, 0x22	# MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE
	xor	r8, r8		# -1
	dec	r8
	xor	r9, r9		# 0

	# Start the thread
	mov	rsi, rax
	add	rsi, 0x2000	# top of the stack
	mov	rax, 56		# sys_clone
	xor	rdx, rdx
	xor	r10, r10
	xor	r9, r9

	cmp	rax, 0
	je	child

Using clone to maintain execution

This technique requires the capability to run arbitrary code inside the target process as the clone syscall must be called from the host process's execution context.

Please note that fork can practically be replaced with clone; based on the flags provided.

Leveraging the signaling facility

UNIXes have a signaling facilities that, essentially, allows the kernel and other processes, to communicate that a particular event happened. Since signals do not query data, there are multiple signal values for different meanings. The POSIX standard specifies a common set of signals and a set of "real-time signals" that are essentially a range of signals to be used however programs want to. Whenever a particular signal is sent to a process, a piece of code associated with it, a handler, is executed. Now, processes must opt to handle particular signals. If a signal is not handled, a default action is taken by the kernel and the action depends on the signal; some terminate the receiving process while some terminate it, for example.

To maintain execution, an attacker can replace an existing handler or register a new one to execute the injected code. Afterwards, whenever that signal will be emitted to the process, the attacker's code will be executed.

signal is the simplest signal-management syscall. It takes a signal number and handler location as a routine, and replaces the current handler and returns the previous one. sigaction provides more flexibility than signal(2), but essentially performs the same task.

An injection payload leveraging signals is available at

Using signals to maintain execution

This technique requires the capability to run arbitrary code inside the target process as the signals-related facilities must be called from the host process's execution context.

Leveraging timers

An other interesting hooking facility is the timer subsystem. Simply, a process instructs the kernel to receive a notification when a certain amount of time passed; either by delivering a signal or by executing a particular code in the context of a thread.

The first timer-related syscall we'll look at is setitimer. Its first argument indicates the signal (either SIGALARM, SIGVTALARM or SIGPROF) to deliver upon timer expitation, and, the second, a time interval with a microsecond resolution.

The second syscall is timer_create. It takes a clock source (e.g. monotonic or wall-bound) and a set of delivery parameters controlling the delivery method: signal number or code location. Once the timer is created, it is armed with timer_settime.

Using timers to maintain execution

This technique requires the capability to run arbitrary code inside the target process as the timers-related syscalls must be called from the host process's execution context.

Hooking the Global Offset Table

As mentioned in part 1, a dynamically-linked program specifies a list of symbols it need to run and, when the program is started, the loader goes and finds those symbols in dynamic libraries. But since dynamic libraries are loaded at random locations, one would ask: how does the program know where those symbols are in randomly-located libraries? Each dynamically-linked program has a relocation table that is filled by the loader and that contains the address of those symbols. Essentially, whenever a program refers to a symbol, it looks up that table, reads the address associated with the symbol and uses that. For example, the printf function is part of the C library (; not the programs using it. When the loader sees that printf is required, it goes on to resolve the symbol4 by loading in memory and find where printf is finally located. It then places the address in the table for usage by the program.

This table, called the Global Offset Table (GOT), can, under certain circumstances (more on this in part 3), be altered for hooking. The technique consist in writing a piece of code in memory and substitute an address in the GOT by the address of that piece of code. Once substituted, whenever the symbol is referenced, the injected piece of code's address is returned instead. This technique, known as GOT overwrite, is frequently encountered in CTF challenges when arbitrary write gadgets are present.

A demonstration of this hooking technique is available at

Hooking the GOT to maintain execution

GOT hooking requires the ability to write to arbitrary memory and knowledge of the GOT's location (relative to where the program is loaded in memory). Hooking can be performed during the loading phase or after, from inside or outside the host process's execution context.

Hooking the vDSO

The Virtual Dynamic Shared Object (vDSO) is an in-memory shared library managed by the Linux kernel. It is meant to improve the performance of applications frequently performing particular syscalls by providing alternatives that do not require (the performance penalty associated with) a full userland-kernelland context switch. This shared library is composed of two (2) sections: a .data section and a .text section; which correspond to the [vvar] and [vdso] memory segments, respectively. The data section is mapped read-only and contains variables controlled by the kernel and used by the library's code. This injection technique is documented on the ATT&CK framework and given the identifier T1055.014.

Memory mapping of /bin/cat
Memory mapping of /bin/cat

It is possible to leverage the vDSO memory segment to inject code (since its mapping is executable) and as a hooking mechanism. The technique is to either substitute an existing function with shellcode, or write the shellcode to the vDSO's code cave and hook an existing function to redirect execution.

A program demonstrating this technique is available at

Hooking the vDSO to maintain execution

vDSO hooking requires the ability to write to pages mapped non-writable and knowledge of the segment's location. Hooking can be performed during the loading phase or after, from inside or outside the host process's execution context.

Redirecting execution

Having covered different facilities to write to memory and multiple hooking techniques, it's now time to look at ways to redirect execution. We've already covered most of them in previous sections:

Just like the classic buffer overflow exploits, it is possible to execute injected code by modifying the stack. Since this is one of the first topic of binary exploitation, I won't explain how it works and provide a PoC that replaces a function's return address to point to the injected shellcode:

Modifying the stack to control execution

It is possible to modify the stack to redirect execution to an arbitrary location.

Writing code in memory

Now that we have covered memory destinations, let's look at the facilities that allow a process to write to another process's memory.


I skimmed over ptrace in the first section, but let's look at the details. As documented in ptrace(2), this system call allows a process to "observe and control the execution of another process [...]. It is primarily used to implement breakpoint debugging and system call tracing". As we've seen, its pretty powerful and perfect for injection.

Note that ptrace has a much bigger API than what is presented in this section. Here, I only try to present the main elements relevant to injection.

Attaching to a process and detaching

To trace another process, a process first "attaches" itself to the target to establish the tracer-tracee relationship, and before being able to issue control commands. However, not any process can trace any other process. Tracers must have the rights to do so. In its default configuration, Linux bases this decision on the user's credentials and capabilities and the process's credentials and capabilities. If there's a risk of exposing sensitive data or capabilities to the controlling user, attaching to the process will fail.

ptrace provides three (3) commands to attach to a process:

In practice, PTRACE_TRACEME is usually performed between a call to fork(2) and a call to execve(2). It allows for a parent, usually a debugger, to trace arbitrary programs as soon as they are started. Once signaled, the parent can then issue ptrace's control commands on the child.

PTRACE_ATTACH and PTRACE_SEIZE are essentially similar, they attach the caller to the target process, with the exception that PTRACE_ATTACH sends SIGSTOP to the target; PTRACE_SEIZE requires an additional call, PTRACE_INTERRUPT to stop the tracee.

In all cases, the tracer must wait for the tracee to be stopped before being able to issue commands. This is usually done with the wait family of system calls; such as waitpid(2).

Programs demonstrating each commands are available in the project's repository.

Reading data

When the tracee is stopped, the tracer can use a variety of ptrace commands to collect information. The two (2) I've used so far are the PTRACE_GETREGS and PTRACE_PEEKTEXT. The former, as its name implies, allows the tracer to get the values of the general-purpose registers (there's a separate call for FPU registers, PTRACE_GETFPREGS, and then another, PTRACE_GETREGSET). PTRACE_PEEKTEXT is used to read the .text section of a process. Well, that's not entirely true, on Linux, PTRACE_PEEKTEXT can read arbitrary memory regions and is identical to PTRACE_PEEKDATA; the two (2) can be used interchangeably.

If you read ptrace(2)'s manpage, you'll notice an other PTRACE_PEEK* command: PTRACE_PEEKUSER. Per its manpage section, it can be used to "read a word at offset addr in the tracee's USER area, which holds the registers and other information about the process (see <sys/user.h>)". Yes, unintuitively,PTRACE_PEEKUSER can be used as an alternative to PTRACE_GETREGS5.

Writing data

The PoCs also used the following commands to modify the injected-into processes: PTRACE_SETREGS and PTRACE_POKETEXT. As their name implies, they're used to set the value of the general-purpose registers and write data to an arbitrary memory location, respectively. PTRACE_POKEDATA and PTRACE_POKEUSER have similar semantics.

An important aspect of ptrace's ability to write to memory is that it completely ignores memory protection flags. Even the target page is not marked writable, ptrace will happily write to it; this behavior is sometimes called "punch through". This ability makes it a lot simpler to perform injection.

Controlling execution

The other ptrace capability that was used in the first section is its ability to execute a single instruction (called "single stepping" or singlestep) of the target process. More precisely, the PTRACE_SINGLESTEP command was used to execute the syscall instruction in order to invoke mmap and get a new memory region allocated for the injected shellcode.

This worked beautifully for us because the process was already stopped, but it was running (because it was restarted without detaching from it with PTRACE_CONT or because PTRACE_SEIZE was used instead of PTRACE_ATTACH), PTRACE_INTERRUPT would have had to be used to stop it first.

Another interesting command to control execution is PTRACE_SYSCALL; which resumes execution up to the next syscall. There are many others documented in ptrace's manpage.

Detaching from a tracee

When the tracer is done with its operations, it can detach from the process using PTRACE_DETACH. If the tracee was stopped, the kernel transparently issues PTRACE_CONT before detaching. Similarly, if the tracer terminates without first detaching, the kernel resumes the tracee.

What we've seen so far

Without a doubt, ptrace is a one-stop shop for process injection. Due to this, it's long known that it can be abused and is generally blocked or, at least, detected by security products. Looking to enrich our toolset, next, we'll look at another powerful facility that can be leveraged for injection.


The proc(5) filesystem is essentially an API with a filesystem-like interface. It allows processes to retrieve various informations about the kernel and processes, and to modify some kernel parameters and modify processes. What we'll look at, here, is the /proc/<pid>/mem interface. As you might have guessed, this virtual file allows users to read and write directly to a process's memory. Obviously, with everything that can write to a process's memory, it can be used for injection. The technique is documented on the ATT&CK framework and given the identifier T1055.009

/proc/<pid>/mem can be read and written to, just like any other file, except that the operations must take place on memory-backed regions. As such, simply use seek to move the read/write offset around based on the content of /proc/<pid>/maps. Also note that this interface has the same "punch through" capability6 than ptrace.

This particular write technique is used in

Writing to a process's memory using /proc/<pid>/mem


This technique is not part of the ATT&CK framework.

A little known interesting system call is process_vm_writev(2). According to its manpage: the syscall [...] transfers data from the local process's memory to a remote process's memory.

Contrarily to the ptrace and /proc/<pid>/mem interfaces, process_vm_writev honours memory protection flags. As such, it's not possible to write to a page that is not marked writable. This doesn't mean that it cannot be leveraged to perform process injection, however, as we'll see later.

At you'll find an example usage of this technique. It puts the shellcode on the stack (rw) and inserts a ROP chain (built from dynamically found gadgets in at rsp's value. When the process returns from the running function, the ROP chain invokes mprotect to make the stack executable and, finally, jump to the shellcode (on the stack, now executable) for arbitrary code execution. This PoC doesn't maintain the process's integrity, though. This is left as an exercise for the reader.

Writing to a process's memory using process_vm_writev

At you'll find variation of the above technique that avoids using ptrace by using a stack pivot gadget and spraying the stack with its address. When the victim process has its stack pivot, it starts executing a ROP chain that marks the stack executable and executes the shellcode.

Stack spraying-based injection using process_vm_writev

Loading the payload

So far, the fundamentals of process injections have been covered: writing to memory, the destinations and how to control execution. This is enough to get code injected and executed, but, as we've mentioned, being non-disruptive is an important property for an injection. Until now, we've inserted our payloads' return address at its beginning. Another frequently used technique is int 3: the debugger exception.

int 3 is an interrupt that enables a process tracer to recover control of execution. It is most commonly used for setting up breakpoint breakpoints; which reverse engineers and binary exploit developers know pretty well. Whenever the int 3 instruction is executed, (1) the program pauses and yield to the kernel, and (2) the kernel adds a SIGTRAP signal to the tracer's signaling queue. Upon reception of that signal, the tracer is able to perform whatever actions; such as resuming the tracee. This allows, for example, an injected-into tracee to be continued (PTRACE_CONT) until the payload is ready to yield control (by executing int 3).

A PoC is provided at

Synchronizing with the loader using int3

There are multiple ways the loading phase can synchronize with the payload to pass context restoration data.

Payload types

Anyone with a bit of binary exploitation background will know that shellcodes stem from carefully written assembly programs that, when the instruction pointer starts pointing at, do something. So far, that's what we used for our PoCs; a small shellcode that prints "Hello World!" once in a while. As an attacker, though, we'd like to perform much cooler stuff: start a reverse shell, an HTTP server, scan memory for secrets using regular expressions, etc. Being lazy, though... we'd prefer avoid writing assembly and use a higher-level language instead. This section presents alternatives to shellcode injection. These are much more frequently used by sophisticated actors, but there's nothing particularly difficult about them so let's look at them.

Injecting executables

Injecting executables is a long-known technique to workaround the pain that shellcode development can be. Sometimes called ul_exec, for userland exec, this technique uses an ELF loading program responsible for parsing an executable ELF file, map it into memory, prepare everything for its execution (setup the environment variables, argument vectors, etc.) and execute it. The loader may even be able to resolve dynamic libraries. This type of payload, composed of the loader and the executable, allows for virtually any kind of programs to be injected; whether written in C, C++, Go, Haskell, etc.

The technique is neither simple or complex. At a high-level, whenever a program is executed, the kernel prepares a new virtual address space and does a few things, more or less:

The auxiliary vector is a data structure containing various parameters for the process. Among others, the program's base address, its entry point, the value of the stack canary, the page size, etc. These values are mostly used by the program's interpreter, if any.

When the kernel is ready to execute the process, it checks if the program has an interpreter (specified in the program's .interp section). This interpreter is responsible for further, specialized, preparation of the execution environment before fully giving control to the program. The most common interpreter is the C dynamic loader (e.g. /lib64/ The C dynamic loader is "simply" responsible to load the runtime dependencies of the program in memory and prepare the relocation table accordingly.

So, when an interpreter is defined, the kernel loads its program in memory and jumps to its entry point. The interpreter does its thing and then uses the auxv structure to jump to the main program's entry point. Notice that /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/, the dynamic loader, is present in memory in the screeenshot below.

Memory mapping of /bin/cat
Memory mapping of /bin/cat

It might be surprising to the reader to learn that this type of behavior is relatively common. The well-known upx packer, for example, works exactly this way. It compresses the executable, and wraps it with a small decompression and loading program. The product of this process is a (hopefully) smaller executable that, when ran, decompresses the executable in-memory, loads/maps it and executes it.

A demonstration of the ul_exec technique can be found at

Injecting arbitrary ELFs

Executables can be injected into processes and executed as if execve was used.

Injecting statically-linked executables

When injecting statically-linked executables into statically-linked executables (phew!), there's a risk that their address spaces collide and the injected binary will simply fail to load. To avoid this situation, statically-linked executables meant to be injected should use an alternate base address.

Shared libraries

An alternative to injecting executables is injecting shared libraries. They, too, can be written in about any languages, but are generally much easier to load (for the simplest ones). Shared libraries are, in essence, quite similar to executables. They have .data and .text sections, an entry point, and dependencies, for example, but do they have some key differences: symbols and structure, among others.

Still, fully loading libraries is a complex task and out of this series' scope. Know that the most written about shared library injection technique involves invoking the __libc_dlopen_mode function, part of (usually already loaded in the process's address space). This particular technique requires writing the library to disk and invoking __libc_dlopen_mode with the library's path. This makes it not particularly stealthy or flexible, but we'll look at ways to avoid dropping the library on disk in part 4.

A demonstration of this technique can be found at

Injecting shared libraries

Shared libraries can be injected into processes and one of their functions executed when they're loaded.

What we've seen so far

As I've demonstrated above, process injection techniques are essentially structured around two (2) capabilities: being able to write to a process's memory and being able to change its execution path. These capabilities are possible through a small set of facilities, but can be combined in many different creative ways. Additionally, a technique's disruption impact can be handled, or not, using an even bigger set of facilities.

Process injection approached in a structured manner are much easier to reason about. They're not necessarily simple, as there are a lot of pieces that need to be considered, but they don't need to be difficult or obscure. This article was designed with the goal of demystifying them and I sure hope that, by reading this article and studying the PoCs, readers will be able to better approach them and help their organizations improve their defense.

Be sure to look at the next article in this series; which will present preventative and detection measures. In part 4, things will be taken a step further and I'll be presenting various tips and tricks to design better injection techniques.

Articles in this series


  1. This section is quite long and I don't think it would be useful to dillute the content. ↩︎

  2. ↩︎

  3. ↩︎

  4. I'm simplifying for the sake of understanding. ↩︎

  5. A demonstration of this behavior is available at ↩︎

  6. The "punch through" capability was, at one point, removed from the kernel. After a complaint from users to the lkml, the behavior was restored↩︎

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